SF2 Series

ISEKI Front mower SF225/237 is equipped with the ISEKI EU stageⅤengine for its more environmental friendly operation.
This SF2 series gains fine reputation from professional in the landscape market in Europe for long time.
High-power engine adapted to the EU stageⅤregulation

The ISEKI EU stageⅤengine offers powefull opertion for professional users
Centre discharge / Centre collecting system
This model features the centre discharge system with the bulit-in blower and the 950L high-capacity conteiner.
In addition to High-dump system which can discharge on high place as successor model featured, its sufficient over-hanging length at dumping make it easier to discharge the collected grass.
ECO-MODE (For SF237)
In addition to its ISEKI clean engine, the eco-mode switch is available.
Once operator switch it on, fuel consumption efficiency is improved by lowering engine rpm.