Company Outline

Company Outline

Company Name ISEKI & CO., LTD.
Head Office 700 Umaki-cho, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken, 799-2692 JAPAN
Tokyo Headquarters 5-3-14, Nishi-Nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, 116-8541 JAPAN
TEL 03-5604-7602
FAX 03-5604-7701
Foundation August 1926
Capital 23,344 million yen (as at December 31, 2023)
Number of Employees Conslidated:5,457
Non-Conslidated:784 (as at December 31, 2023)
Principle Business

ISEKI’s principle business is the manufacture and sale of the following products:

Cultivating Machinery … Tractors, Tillers, High clearance multipurpose vehicles , Mowers
Planting Machinery …… Rice Transplanters, Vegetable Transplanters
Harvesting Machinery … Combine Harvesters, Binders
Processing Machinery … Rice Hullers, Dryers, Rice Cleaners, Rice Graders, Vegetable Harvesting and Processing Machinery
Miscellaneous ……… Implements, Spare Parts, Agricultural Facilities

Company History

Aug. 1926
Founded as “Iseki Farm Implement Trading Co.” in Aratama-cho, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken
Apr. 1936 Incorporated as ISEKI & Co., Ltd. Commenced production of ISEKI rice hullers and automatic rice graders
May 1946 Established new plant in Yashiro-machi, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime-ken
Oct. 1949 Construction of Kumamoto Plant in Kengun-machi, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto-ken
Jun. 1961 Shares listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Mar. 1967 Started production of Rice-transplanters, Combine Harvesters and Binders and accomplished mechanized integrated system for rice cultivation using those and tractors
May 1969 Renamed Tokyo Branch, “Tokyo Headquarters”
Feb. 1971 Established N.V. ISEKI Europe S.A. in Brussels
Sep. 1972 Expanded Matsuyama Plant (Wake) and relocated Head Office
Oct. 1982
Relocated Engineering Department to Tobe-cho, Iyo-gun, Ehime-ken
May.1993 Relocated Tokyo Headquarters to Nishi-Nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo
Apr. 2001 Separated Matsuyama and Kumamoto plant and established Iseki-Kumamoto Mfg. and Iseki-Matsuyama Mfg. co., Ltd. as affiliated companies.
Jun. 2003 Established Iseki – Changzhou Mfg. Co., Ltd. in Jiangsu, China
Aug. 2011 Established Dongfeng Iseki Agricultural Machinery (Hubei) Co., Ltd. in Hubei, China
Oct. 2012 Established PT.ISEKI Indonesia in Indonesia
Oct. 2013 Established ISEKI Technical Training Center(ITTC)
Established ISEKI SALES(THAILAND) Co., Thailand
May. 2014 Integrated ISEKI-Changzhou.Mfg.Co.,Ltd with Dongfeng Iseki Agricultral machinery(Hubei) Co.,Ltd and established Dongfeng Iseki Agricultral machinery(Hubei) Co.,Ltd
Jul.2014 Acquired ownership of Yvan Beal S.A. and YB Holding S.A.S
Jan.2015 Changed the name of Yvan Beal S.A.S into ISEKI France S.A.S and the name of YB Holding S.A.S into ISEKI France Holding S.A.S

Established Dream Agricultural Research Institute in Tsukubamirai-shi, Ibaraki Pref.

Mar.2016 Established ISEKI High-tech Greenhouse
Apr.2016 Established Iseki basic Engineering Training Center
Nov.2016 Established ISEKI (THAILAND) CO.,Ltd in Thailand
Jan.2017 Establishied ISEKI Global Training Center in Tsukubamirai-shi, Ibaraki Pref.
Incorporated Iseki-Hoei Mfg. co., Ltd into Iseki-Matsuyama Mfg. co., Ltd
Incorporated ISEKI France Holding S.A.S into ISEKI France S.A.S
Dec.2020 Made Thai distributor IST Farm Machinery Co., Ltd. a subsidiary.
Jul.2022 Made Germany distributor Iseki-Maschinen GmbH Co., Ltd. a subsidiary.
Jul.2024 Incorporated Iseki-Kumamoto Mfg. co., Ltd into Iseki-Matsuyama Mfg. co., Ltd and established ISEKI M&D Co., Ltd.

Organization Chart

Organization Chart